today we had a strange thing happen. both of the twins had been acting normally, but we noticed that natasha felt warmer than abigail. she was running a mild fever. we always have to go to the hospital with a fever, so we called oncology. since the fever was low, they told us to wait 30 minutes and check again before we came in. on a whim, we checked abigail 30 minutes later as well. she was also running a fever. this is the first time they have ever run a fever at the same time. I took them both up to clinic which tends to be challenging with only 1 adult. we had to access their ports, draw blood cultures, cbc's, and have a physician check . their blood looked good and so they gave them an antibiotic. here they are side by side with their green masks being weighed measured and having their blood pressure taken. the next photo shows them together both receiving their antibiotics at the same time. This is a first . now we wait 24 hours to see if they have any other fevers. if they run a fever after the 24 hours, then we have to go up and do it all over again. it's a good thing that my dentist was understanding about the appointment that I cancelled last minute to take them up to the hospital.
please forgive all of the spelling errors and lack of capital letters. I had to do all of this by phone before I got home, or I knew I would never get it done . I have 2 other children at home with the stomach flu.